Externality and Taboo: Resolving the Judaic Pig Puzzle
[with V. Geloso and N. Snow]
Rationality and Society

A Normal Market
European Economic Review

Hobo Economicus
[with R. Hardy and P. Suarez]
Economic Journal

Trading with the Dead
Review of Law and Economics

Economics is Not Statistics (and Vice Versa)
Journal of Institutional Economics

Logic is a Harsh Mistress: Welfare Economics for Economists
Journal of Institutional Economics

Witch Trials
[with J. Russ]
Economic Journal

Child Brides
[with P. Suarez]
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

[with J. Pierson]
Journal of Legal Studies

Institutionally Constrained Technology Adoption: Resolving the Longbow Puzzle
[with D. Allen]
Journal of Law and Economics

Wife Sales
[with P. Boettke and J. Lemke]
Review of Behavioral Economics

Rationality and Society

God Damn: The Law and Economics of Monastic Malediction
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization

Human Sacrifice
Review of Behavioral Economics

Vermin Trials
Journal of Law and Economics

Gypsy Law
Public Choice

Journal of Law and Economics

Trial by Battle
Journal of Legal Analysis

Two Cheers for Capitalism? 

The Democratic Domino Theory: An Empirical Investigation
[with A. Dean]
American Journal of Political Science

The Laws of Lawlessness
Journal of Legal Studies

Weathering Corruption
[with R. Sobel]
Journal of Law and Economics

Social Distance and Self-Enforcing Exchange 
Journal of Legal Studies

Media Freedom, Political Knowledge, and Participation
Journal of Economic Perspectives

An-arrgh-chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization
Journal of Political Economy

Better Off Stateless: Somalia Before and After Government Collapse 
Journal of Comparative Economics

Trading with Bandits
Journal of Law and Economics

Why Rational Choice? Reconciling Kornai with Rational Choice Theory
[with A. Kaiser]
Acta Oeconomica

The Economic - and Anthropological? - View of Supernatural Institutions
Religion, Brain, and Behavior

American Panhandlers
[with R. Hardy]

Different Data Produce Different Results
[with R. Sobel]
Public Finance Review

Public Choice and Public Health
[with H. Thompson]
Public Choice

The Golden Age of Mercenaries
[with E. Piano]
European Review of Economic History

Kornai Goes to Kenya
[with C. Harris and A. Myers]
Public Choice

Externality and Covid-19
[with L. Rouanet]
Southern Economic Journal

Harmful Magic, Helpful Governance
Current Anthropology

Are Anarcho-Capitalists Insane? Medieval Icelandic Conflict Institutions in Comparative Perspective
[with V. Geloso]
Revue d’Économie Politique

One Rationality to Rule Them All
Social Science Information

Regulating Quack Medicine
[with S. King and T. Fegley]
Public Choice

Do We Need Behavioral Economics to Explain Law?
European Journal of Law and Economics

Testing Rational Choice Theories of Institutional Change
[with C. Harris]
Rationality and Society

Wealth-Destroying Private Property Rights
[with C. Harris]
World Development

Economic Origins of the No-Fault Divorce Revolution
[with J. Pierson]
European Journal of Law and Economics

An Economic Analysis of Magna Carta
[with P. Suarez]
International Review of Law and Economics

​Market-Provided National Defense: Reply to Newhard
[with C. Coyne and T. Duncan]
Journal of Private Enterprise

Superstition and Self-Governance
[with P. Suarez]
Advances in Austrian Economics

Celestial Anarchy
[with A. Salter]
Cato Journal

A Note on the Market Provision of National Defense
[with C. Coyne and T. Duncan] 
Journal of Private Enterprise

Pirates, Prisoners, and Preliterates: Anarchic Context and the Private Enforcement of Law
European Journal of Law and Economics

Earw(h)ig: I Can't Hear You because Your Ideas are Old
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]
Cambridge Journal of Economics

Homo Economicus Lives: Some Implications for Humanitarian Assistance
Studies in Emergent Order

The Costs of Conflict
​[with A. Smith, D. Houser, and R. Ostad]
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

The Amplification Effect: Foreign Aid's Impact on Political Institutions
[with N. Dutta and C. Williamson] 

Comparative Historical Political Economy
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne] 
Journal of Institutional Economics

[with T. Sanandaji]
Industrial and Corporate Change

Organizing Crime 
[with D. Rogers] 
Supreme Court Economic Review

The Irrelevance of Normative Considerations for Founding an Austrian Law and Economics 
Review of Austrian Economics

Chicken Soup for the Out-of-Step Scholar's Soul 
[with G. Callahan] 
American Journal of Economics and Sociology

[with C. Coyne] 
Journal of Comparative Economics

Cultural Codes: An Economic Analysis 
Journal of Multicultural Discourses

Wisdom, Alterability, and Social Rules 
[with C. Coyne]
Managerial and Decision Economics

An Austrian Approach to Law and Economics, with Special Reference to Superstition 
Review of Austrian Economics

[with D. Smith and N. Snow] 
Revue d'Économie Politique

Poking Hobbes in the Eye: A Plea for Mechanism in Anarchist History 
Common Knowledge

The Brewer, the Baker, and the Monopoly Maker 
[with D. Thomas]
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy

Think Tanks 
[with M. Ryan and C. Williamson]
Journal of Comparative Economics

Comparing the Spread of Capitalism and Democracy 
[with R. Sobel and A. Dean] 
Economics Letters

An Austrian Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations 
[with C. Coyne] 
Journal of Economics and Finance Education

Quasimarket Failure
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne] 
Public Choice

Hate Groups and Hate Crime 
[with M. Ryan]
International Review of Law and Economics

Government, Clubs, and Constitutions 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Was Privateering Plunder Efficient? 
[with A. Nowrasteh]
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Race, Politics, and Punishment 
[with R. Sobel] 
European Journal of Law and Economics

What Aid Can't Do: Reply to Ranis
[with D. Skarbek] 
Cato Journal

Opportunism and Organization Under the Black Flag
Organizational Dynamics

The Political Economy of Peter Boettke 
Journal of Private Enterprise

Pirational Choice: The Economics of Infamous Pirate Practices
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Review of Austrian Economics

Rationality, Pirates, and the Law: A Retrospective 
American University Law Review

Criminal Constitutions
[with D. Skarbek]
Global Crime

[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy

The Unimportance of Spending: How Fractionalization Affects School Performance 
[with J. Hall]
International Advances in Economic Research

Rational Choice, Round Robin, and Rebellion: An Institutional Solution to the Problems of Revolution 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Racial Fractionalization and School Performance 
[with J. Hall] 
American Journal of Economics and Sociology

What Can Aid Do? 
[with D. Skarbek] 
Cato Journal

Anarchy and Development: An Application of the Theory of Second Best
[with C. Williamson]
Law and Development Review

Two-Tiered Entrepreneurship and Economic Development 
[with P. Boettke] 
International Review of Law and Economics

The Calculus of Piratical Consent: The Myth of the Myth of Social Contract 
Public Choice

The Invisible Hook: The Law and Economics of Pirate Tolerance 
New York University Journal of Law and Liberty

Media as a Mechanism of Institutional Change and Reinforcement
[with C. Coyne]

How Important is State Enforcement for Trade? 
American Law and Economics Review 

Costly Price Discrimination 
[with R. Sobel] 
Economics Letters

Coordination without Command: Stretching the Scope of Spontaneous Order 
Public Choice

Centralization Proves Inadequate to Disaster Aid 
[with R. Sobel]
Journal of International Peace Operations

How Do Rulers Choose? Dual Domains of Discretion in Political Decision Making
[with C. Coyne] 
Journal of Economic Issues

The Continuing Relevance of F.A. Hayek's Political Economy 
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne] 
Advances in Austrian Economics

We're All Austrians Now: Janos Kornai and the Austrian School of Economics 
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology

Institutional Stickiness and the New Development Economics 
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne] 
American Journal of Economics and Sociology

Government Intervention and the Structure of Social Capital 
[with A. Carilli and C. Coyne]
Review of Austrian Economics

The Evolution of Economics: Where We are and How We Got Here 
[with P. Boettke and D. Smith]
Long Term View

Escaping Poverty: Foreign Aid, Private Property, and Economic Development 
Journal of Private Enterprise

The Reformers' Dilemma: Media, Policy Ownership, and Reform 
[with C. Coyne]
European Journal of Law and Economics

Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander: International Labor Standards and Comparative Development
[with J. Hall]
Journal of Labor Research

The Political, Economic, and Social Aspects of Katrina 
[with P. Boettke, E. Chamlee-Wright, P. Gordon, S. Ikeda, and R. Sobel] 
Southern Economic Journal

Anarchy, Monopoly, and Predation
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

The Political Economy of FEMA: Did Reorganization Matter?
[with R. Sobel and C. Coyne] 
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice

Balkanization and Assimilation: Examining the Effects of State-Created Homogeneity 
Review of Social Economy

Efficient Anarchy 
Public Choice

Saving Government Failure Theory from Itself: Recasting Political Economy from an Austrian Perspective
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]
Constitutional Political Economy

Does Globalization Require Global Government?
Indian Journal of Economics and Business

The Use of Knowledge in Natural Disaster Relief Management
[with R. Sobel]
Independent Review

One More Time with Feeling: The Law Merchant, Arbitration, and International Trade
Indian Journal of Economics and Business

Comparing Apples: Normalcy, Russia, and the Remaining Post-Socialist World 
[with W. Trumbull] 
Post-Soviet Affairs

Cooperation and Conflict: Evidence on Self-Enforcing Arrangements and Heterogeneous Groups 
American Journal of Economics and Sociology

High Priests and Lowly Philosophers: The Battle for the Soul of Economics
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]
Case Western Reserve Law Review

How Much Benevolence is Benevolent Enough? 
Public Choice

Government's Response to Hurricane Katrina: A Public Choice Analysis
[with R. Sobel]
Public Choice

Was Mises Right? 
[with P. Boettke] 
Review of Social Economy

Robust Political Economy
[with J. Subrick] 
Review of Austrian Economics

Does the Market Self-Correct? Asymmetrical Adjustment and the Structure of Economic Error
[with C. Coyne and P. Boettke]
Review of Political Economy

Converting Social Conflict: Focal Points and the Evolution of Coordination 
[with C. Coyne and P. Boettke]
Review of Austrian Economics

Who's to Protect Cyberspace? 
[with C. Coyne]
Journal of Law, Economics and Policy

Manipulating the Media 
[with C. Coyne]
Institutions and Economic Development

Socialism: Still Impossible After All these Years
[with P. Boettke]
Critical Review

Endogenizing Fractionalization
Journal of Institutional Economics

Self-Enforcing Arrangements in African Political Economy 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

The Economics of Computer Hacking 
[with C. Coyne] 
Journal of Law, Economics and Policy

Social Cooperation and the Apparent Tension between Personal and Impersonal Exchange

Is Government Inevitable?
[with E. Stringham]
Independent Review

The New Comparative Political Economy
[with P. Boettke, C. Coyne, and F. Sautet]
Review of Austrian Economics

Read All About It! Understanding the Role of Media in Economic Development
[with C. Coyne] 

The Plight of Underdeveloped Countries
[with C. Coyne]
Cato Journal

The Many Faces of the Market 
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]
Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines

Liberalism, Socialism, and Robust Political Economy
[with P. Boettke] 
Journal of Markets and Morality

Is the Transition to the Market too Important to be Left to the Market? 
[with P. Boettke] 
Economic Affairs

Contracts without Government
Journal of Private Enterprise

Man as Machine: The Plight of 20th Century Economics
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne] 
Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought

Hayek, Arrow, and the Problems of Democratic Decision-Making
[with P. Boettke]
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice


Austrian Economics and Economic Policy
[with L. Rouanet]. In Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Katselidis, eds:
Economic Policy and the History of Economic Thought. London: Routledge

Covid-19 and the Interest Group Approach to Government
[with H. Thompson]. In Alberto Batinti, Joan Costa-Font, and Gilberto Turati, eds:
Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Cheering for Capitalism
[with C. Williamson]. In Jonathan Imber, ed: 
The Anthem Companion to Peter Berger. New York: Anthem Press

Anarchy and Public Choice
In Christian Bjornskov and Richard Jong-A-Pin, eds:
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Property Rights and Public Choice
[with E. Piano]. In Christian Bjornskov and Richard Jong-A-Pin, eds:
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Public Health and Public Choice
[with H. Thompson]. In Christian Bjornskov and Richard Jong-A-Pin, eds:
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

It Began with Richard Nixon
Jo Ann Cavallo and Walter Block, eds:
Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today's World. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Hayek, Neoliberalism, and the Washington Consensus
[with C. Harris]. In Rosolino Candela, ed:
A Companion to F.A. Hayek. Guatemala City: Universidad Francisco Maroquin

Hunting for Unicorns
In Gary Chartier and Chad Van Schoelandt, eds:
Routledge Handbook of Anarchy and Anarchist Thought. New York: Routledge

Beneficent Bullshit
In Richard Wagner, ed:
James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy​. London: Macmillan

The Economic Way of Thinking About Pirates
In David Head, ed:
The Golden Age of Piracy: Readings on the Rise, Fall, and Enduring Popularity of Pirates. Athens: University of Georgia Press

Hate Crime and Hate Groups
[with M. Ryan]. In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds:
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer

In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds:
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer

[with J. Pierson]. In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds:
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer

Coase, Posner, and Austrian Law and Economics
In Todd Zywicki and Peter J. Boettke, eds:
Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

The Economic Effects of International Labor Mobility
[with Z. Gochenour]. In Benjamin Powell, ed:
The Economics of Immigration: Market-Based Approaches, Social Science and Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Presumptions in Political Economy: Alternative Approaches for Assessing the Economic Role of the State
[with P. Boettke]. In Peter Boettke and Peter Leeson, eds:
The Economic Role of the State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book

Piracy, Old Maritime
In Jurgen Backhaus, ed:
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer

Hayek vs. the Neoclassicists: Lessons from the Socialist Calculation Debate
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]. In Roger W. Garrison and Norman Barry, eds:
Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

In Robert Salvino, Michael Tasto, and Gregory Randolph eds:
Entrepreneurial Action, Public Policy, and Economic Outcomes. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Why Capitalism Works
[with J. Clark and R. Sobel]. In J.R. Clark, ed:
Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee. Nashville: Beacon Center of Tennessee

Conflict-Inhibiting Norms
[with C. Coyne]. In Michelle Garfinkel and Stergios Skaperdas, eds:
Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lex Mercatoria
In Mark Juergensmeyer and Helmut K. Anheier, eds:
Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage

Can't We All Just Get Along? Fractionalization, Institutions, and Economic Consequences 
[with C. Williamson]. In Christopher J. Coyne and Rachel L. Mathers, eds:
The Handbook on the Political Economy of War. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Anarchy Unbound: How Much Order Can Spontaneous Order Create? 
In Peter Boettke, ed:
Handbook of Austrian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Land Grab: Takings, the Market Process, and Regime Uncertainty
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne]. In Bruce L. Benson, ed:
Property Wrongs: The Law and Economics of Takings. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Somalia: Understanding the Feasible Institutions 
[with C. Coyne]. In Elias P. Hoffmann, ed:
Somalia: Economic, Political and Social Issues. New York: Nova

Do Markets Need Government? 
In Stephen Copp, ed:
Legal Foundations of the Free Market. London: Institute of Economic Affairs

James M. Buchanan
In Ronald Hamoway, ed:
Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Thousand Oaks: Sage

Entrepreneurship or Entremanureship? 
[with P. Boettke and C. Coyne'. In Benjamin Powell, ed:
Making Poor Nations RichStanford: Stanford University Press

The Spread of Global Economic Freedom
[with R. Sobel]. In James Gwartney and Robert Lawson:
Economic Freedom in the World: 2007 Annual Report. Vancouver: Fraser Institute

Why Capitalism Works 
[with R. Sobel] In Russell Sobel, ed:
Unleashing Capitalism. Morgantown: The Public Policy Foundation of West Virginia 

The Economist as System Builder: Ludwig von Mises as the Architect of the Science of Economics and Political Economy
[with P. Boettke]. In Peter Boettke and Peter Leeson, eds:
The Legacy of Ludwig von Mises: Theory and History. Aldershot: Edward Elgar

Liberal Tolerance as Robust Political Economy
[with P. Boettke]. In Gerson Moreno-Riano, ed:
Tolerance in the 21st Century: Prospects and Challenges. Lanham: Lexington Books

Do Contracts Require Formal Enforcement?
In Edward Stringham, ed:
Anarchy, State, and Public Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

An Austrian Perspective on Public Choice
[with P. Boettke]. In Charles Rowley and Friedrich Schneider, eds:
Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Boston: Kluwer

The Austrian School of Economics: 1950-2000 
[with P. Boettke]. In Warren Samuels, Jeff Biddle and John Davis, eds:
A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. Oxford: Blackwell

Public Choice and Socialism
[with P. Boettke]. In Charles Rowley and Friedrich Schneider, eds:
Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Boston: Kluwer


Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570-1740 [by M. Hanna]
American Historical Review

Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society [by G. Chartier]
Common Knowledge

What Human Action Has Meant to Me: Reflections of a Young Economist

Representation Through Taxation [by S. Gehlbach] 
Public Choice

The Samaritan's Dilemma [by C. Gibson, K. Andersson, E. Ostrom, and S. Shivakumar] 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Governance, Growth and Global Leadership [by E. Moe]

Anarchy and the Law: The Political Economy of Choice [ed. by E. Stringham]
Public Choice

Democratic Constitutional Design and Public Policy [ed. by R. Congleton and B. Swedenborg]
Public Choice

Too Big to Fail: The Hazards of Bank Bailouts [by G. Stern and R. Feldman] 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Better Together: Restoring the American Community [by R. Putnam and L. Feldstein]
American Journal of Economics and Sociology

Altruistically Inclined? [by A. Field] 
Review of Austrian Economics


Hobo Economicus
[with R. Hardy and P. Suarez]
Cato Research Briefs in Economic Policy

New 'Witches,' Old Tricks
Royal Economic Society Newsletter

The Law Merchant and International Trade 
[with D. Smith]

Blame the Weather? Natural Disasters, FEMA, and Corruption in America 
[with R. Sobel]
Administrative and Regulatory Law News

Property Rights 
Fraser Forum

Economics, Piracy, and the Law
CIP Report

The Impact of FEMA Reorganization: Implications for Policy 
[with C. Coyne and R. Sobel] 
Mercatus Policy Series

The Impact of FEMA on U.S. Corruption: Implications for Policy
[with R. Sobel]
Mercatus Policy Series

Flirting with Disaster: The Inherent Problems with FEMA
(with R. Sobel). 
Cato Policy Analysis

Lessons from the Investor's Roadmap
[with C. Coyne and P. Aligica]
USAID Forum Series: The Role of Institutions in Promoting Economic Growth

Land Management: Incentives Matter 
Michigan Privatization Report

Opposing Judicial Philosophies Court Michigan Voters
Viewpoint on Public Issues

Students, Teachers to Profit from the Inkster-Edison Partnership
Michigan Privatization Report

Policy Makers Must Remember that Incentives Matter
[with L. Reed] 
Viewpoint on Public Issues

Land Ho! Should Government Be Landlord? 
Michigan Privatization Report

Seek and Ye Shall FOIA
Michigan Privatization Report

How Big Government Usurped Personal Responsibility

On the Road to Privatization 
Michigan Privatization Report

What Indianapolis Can Teach Michigan 
Michigan Privatization Report

Contracting for Knowledge
Michigan Privatization Report


Beggars as Rational Choosers
[with R. Hardy and P. Suarez]

Governing From the Grave​

The Economic Way of Thinking About Gypsies

Unobserved Worlds

[with C. Williamson]

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